Energy & carbon
1 min

Reduced embodied carbon emissions

Reduced embodied carbon emissions

As newly-created buildings are increasingly energy efficient, the share of embodied carbon in the building's lifecycle emissions is increasing. Tackling this issue is essential, especially at the design phase. 

Did you know?


Share of the construction sector in worldwide green-house gases emissions


Share of embodied carbon in worldwide green-house gases emissions


What is embodied carbon? 
Embodied carbon refers to a quantity of CO2 emissions contained in the materials used to construct and maintain the building throughout its lifespan. Opposed to operational carbon, it refers to the CO2 emissions related to material extraction, manufacture, construction, demolition, and end of life.

Source: ARUP and WBCSD, Net Zero Buildings, Are we on track?


How to reduce embodied carbon in buildings? 

Examples of solutions:

  • change the materials for high level of recycled content or alternative materials
  • designing lightweight constructions
  • consider buildings as material banks

How to measure embodied carbon?

  • life-cycle assessment at building level

How does Saint-Gobain contribute? 

  • reduce carbon emissions related to product manufacturing (local materials, renewable energy, ...)
  • recycled content
  • lightweight products